Thursday, May 1, 2014

The haircut from h&%$

Last night Alan got his hair cut.  We've been going to the same kid friendly hair salon for more years than I care to remember.  Even though Alan is taller than most of the hair stylists, they just smile and say "come on in!"

The last 3-4 visits have been HELL.  There is really no other word to describe them.  Alan gets in the car willingly enough and even gets out of the car at the hair salon fine.  He goes inside and starts stalling but still nothing major.  He has to use the restroom and agonize over which video to watch (but he always selects Shrek) and then he even sits in the chair and gets the cape on with only a yell or two.  And then all hell breaks loose.

He stands up and sits down so often and so fast that the poor Ali has to cut his hair a swipe at a time.  We've tried holding him in the chair.  We've brought his iPad but he wants nothing to do with it.  Last night I even tried sitting on him and he threw me on the floor (so much for deep pressure).  I've tried bribing him with his favorite Skittles (they were also thrown on the floor) and last night I even brought a copy of his current favorite video (hoping he would pick that instead of Shrek) but no luck.  Sometimes Ali cuts a swipe or two while he is sitting on the floor, but then he stands up.  He moves incredibly fast.  Of course, when he is getting ready for school he moves incredibly slow but that is another story.  He is so strong he was tipping over the chair!  I actually thought the darn things were anchored but apparently not. 

I am guessing it is a sensory thing, but it never used to bother him.  It is only the last few haircuts that have been a problem. Of course as soon as it is finished he's fine.  I'm covered with hair, shaky and exhausted but he just sits on a bench eating his sucker while I pay.  Sigh.

DH suggested that next time we try to cut his hair at home (I already do Joe's and DH's).  Who knows how that will turn out?  Ali actually does a fantastic job.  It is a darn good hair cut -- except for the experience!


  1. Wow! Bless your heart and his too! I pray this is just a phase and he will return to them not being so hard on you all soon. Love, love, love your kitchen by the way!

    1. You and me both. I forgot to mention that he yells continually the whole time he is doing this. Sigh.

  2. Oh, Julie. It sounds like when I try to do Boo's hair in the morning. The only way it gets done with screaming and headbanging is if she is in the bath tub. It's why her hair is so long. I cut everyone else's hair but hers? No freaking way

    1. Too bad Alan needs his hair cut EVERY FOUR WEEKS!!!!! Did you like my glass of wine I posted on your wall?

  3. Can we talk DENTAL VISITS? Where's MY Wine?????????

    1. Oh yes, the dentist sucks, but that is only once a year and I can sedate him (and afterwards, me ....)

    2. Non-facetiously, what is the best sedation for your guy?

    3. We give him the .2 mg of Ativan and .2 mg of Clondine to take 2 hours prior to appointment with a sip of water.

      Then he receives 100 mg of Ketamine and 10 mg Versed IM ( in the arm)
      Propofol and Remifentanil Infusion
      He receives anti nausea medications
      Prophylatic Dexamethasone 8 mg
      Zofran 1 mg
      Robinul .2 mg

      (Quite the little cocktail, huh?) I had to ask when he broke his arm because the doc there wanted to know so I still had the e-mail -- otherwise I never could have told you what all he has!!

    4. Thank you sooo much for this. It seems like so much of it is for anxiety, which of course is needed. I wonder about the PAIN itself...I've had a cavity in rear left molar that dentists will not be able to fix without general anesthesia (the one I ended up with at YALE said I have more nerve endings that cannot e num bed than others, it's called "ennervated"???) But I think that so much that makes dental care terrifying for my guy comes from this extra sensitivity i so kindly passed on. Ugh. Again - thanhks so much - and cheers ;)

    5. An excellent question. Both my guys are pretty darn tough -- Alan is DEFINITELY hypo-sensitive to most pain -- but the idea of going someplace like that seems to set him over the edge. Good luck!
